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HISTORY IN REVIEW: Karachi, Saturday, 10 September 2011
After a spell of heavy monsoon rain on 06 September, it had been partly cloudy and slightly muggy in the intervening days. It was a clear, bright day on 10 September, with a line of cirrus clouds towards the west.
By 2 30 PM however, it started to drizzle as thick, black clouds began to envelope the sky from E/NE. During the next half hour, the day was converted into late-evening as a spell of extremely heavy downpour,accompanied by gale-forced winds from the southern direction initially, began to fall.
Southern and most SE areas of the metropolis bore the brunt of the torrential downpour. The rain was so heavy that visibility was reduced to almost nil. Rain subsided by 4 PM, by which time, all the major arteries and inner allies of the downtown and old city were submerged under knee to waist-high rainwater. Life in almost the entire district South was paralyzed by the sheer ferocity of the downpour.
Northern and western parts of the city only received light rain, whereas central, eastern and NE areas received moderate rain.
Rain amounts:
Saddar 85 mm
Landhi 52 mm
Nazimabad  41mm
Faisal Base 31 mm
North Nazimabad 25 mm
Airport 24 mm
University 18 mm
Gulshan-e-Hadeed 15 mm
North Karachi 03 mm
Masroor Base 01 mm
Picture 1: Nursery, Sharea Faisal
Picture 2: Gurumandir Intersection
Picture 3: Zainab Market, Saddar